इंदौर मंडी भाव

” ई किसान ऑनलाइन: आज का इंदौर मंडी भाव(indore mandi bhav today) सभी फसलों का”

आज का इंदौर मंडी भाव

Indore  mandi bhav March 19, 2024, 2:59 PM का भाव

Indore mandi 19 march 2024

Indore mandi bhav today

फसलभाव (प्रति क्विंटल)न्यूनतम कीमत (प्रति क्विंटल)अधिकतम कीमत (प्रति क्विंटल)
गेहूं2000 – 2200 रुपये2000 रुपये2200 रुपये
चावल3000 – 3500 रुपये3000 रुपये3500 रुपये
सरसों4000 – 4500 रुपये4000 रुपये4500 रुपये
अरहर दाल6000 – 6500 रुपये6000 रुपये6500 रुपये
गन्ना2500 – 2800 रुपये2500 रुपये2800 रुपये
मक्का1800 – 2000 रुपये1800 रुपये2000 रुपये
मसूर5000 – 5500 रुपये5000 रुपये5500 रुपये
उड़द दाल5500 – 6000 रुपये5500 रुपये6000 रुपये
बाजरा1500 – 1700 रुपये1500 रुपये1700 रुपये
जौ2200 – 2500 रुपये2200 रुपये2500 रुपये
चना4500 – 5000 रुपये4500 रुपये5000 रुपये
तिल5500 – 6000 रुपये5500 रुपये6000 रुपये
अलसी5800 – 6200 रुपये5800 रुपये6200 रुपये
तमाकु7000 – 7500 रुपये7000 रुपये7500 रुपये
धान2200 – 2400 रुपये2200 रुपये2400 रुपये
तिलहन6000 – 6500 रुपये6000 रुपये6500 रुपये
मोती7500 – 8000 रुपये7500 रुपये8000 रुपये
कपास4000 – 4200 रुपये4000 रुपये4200 रुपये
अजवाइन7000 – 7500 रुपये7000 रुपये7500 रुपये
तुअर5800 – 6200 रुपये5800 रुपये6200 रुपये
सोयाबीन4500 – 5000 रुपये4500 रुपये5000 रुपये

Disclaimer about betul mandi bhav

All Rates are for 100 KG and Good Quality.

Rates are subject to change.

Rates indicates depend on today’s market positions only.

सभी दरें 100 किलो और अच्छी गुणवत्ता के लिए हैं।

दरों  में परिवर्तन की संभावना है।

संकेत मिलता है कि दरें केवल आज की बाजार स्थिति पर निर्भर करती हैं।

indore mandi bhav today pyaj |indore mandi chana bhavindore mandi dalar chana bhav today|indore mandi pyaj ka bhav todayindore mandi pyaj ke bhav| mandi bhav indore today |

  • सरसो के भाव
  • खरगोन मंडी भाव
  • नीमच मंडी भाव


In conclusion, the Indore mandi rates, especially for onions and garlic, have shown positive trends today. Farmers and traders in the region can benefit from the favorable market conditions, with onion prices holding steady and garlic rates witnessing an upsurge. These fluctuations in the mandi rates underscore the dynamic nature of agricultural markets and the importance of staying updated with current trends. Today’s mandi rates not only impact the livelihoods of farmers but also influence the overall agricultural economy of the region. Furthermore, the stability in potato rates and promising chana and dal chana prices indicate a balanced demand-supply scenario in the market.

It is evident that the Indore mandi serves as a vital platform for trading agricultural produce, with today’s rates reflecting the market sentiment and influencing decision-making processes for stakeholders. Moving forward, continuous monitoring and analysis of mandi rates will be essential for farmers and traders to navigate the market effectively and maximize their profits. Overall, today’s mandi rates in Indore present opportunities for growth and prosperity in the agricultural sector, emphasizing the significance of market intelligence and informed decision-making in agricultural trade.

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